N 3/2009

№ 3/2009

Abstract Viktor Antonovich Sadovnichii (to 70th anniversary of the birthday)


Abstract D. Georgiou, S. Iliadis, and K.L. Kozlov. The Inductive Dimension of a Space by its Normal Base

Abstract S.I. Mitrokhin. The Asymptotics of the Eigenvalues of a Fourth Order Differential Operator with Summable Coefficients

Abstract M.K. Potapov, B.V. Simonov, and S.Yu. Tikhonov. Relations Between Moduli of Smoothness in Different Metrics

Abstract I.N. Sergeev. Controlling Solutions to a Linear Differential Equation

Abstract V.V. Fedorchuk. Weakly Infinite-Dimensional Spaces Modulo Simplicial Complexes

Abstract V.N. Chubarikov. The Sum of Dirichlet Characters of a Polynomial Over a Reduced Residue System

Abstract J. Ben Amara and A.A. Shkalikov. Oscillation Theorems for Sturm-Liouville Problems with Distribution Potentials


Abstract V.V. Aleksandrov, A.V. Lebedev, and S.S. Lemak. Mixed Testing Strategies in the Quality Check Problem for Stabilization Algorithms

Abstract O.N. Bogdanov. Refinement of Trajectory Parameters for GPS and GLONASS Navigation Satellites Using IGS Position Data

Abstract G.Yu. Kotova, K.V. Krasnobaev, R.R. Tagirova. Unsteady Motions of Dense Envelopes Generated by Ionization-Shock Fronts in the Interstellar Medium

Abstract B.Ya. Lokshin. Motion of a Single Hailstone

Abstract N.N. Smirnov, V.F. Nikitin, Yu.G. Filippov, and E.I. Shemyakin. Evolution of Detonation Propagation through an Annular Gap into a Combustion Chamber