The Inductive Dimension of a Space by its Normal Base / D. Georgiou, S. Iliadis, and K.L. Kozlov // Vestn. Mosk. Univ., Matem. Mekhan. 2009. № 3. P. 7-14 [Moscow Univ. Math. Bulletin. Vol. 64, No 3, 2009. P. 95-101]
Properties of the large inductive dimension of a space by its normal base introduced by S. Iliadis are studied. The proposed dimension-like functions generalize both the classic dimensions Ind, Ind0 and the relative inductive dimensions I. Properties of the normal base characterizing the fulfillment of basic classic theorems of the dimension theory (sum, subset and product theorems) are found.
Key words: large inductive dimension, normal base, sum, subset and product theorems.