

1946, March 15

The All-Union Committee for Higher Education of the USSR Council of People's Commissars established the Editorial Board of the scientific journal "Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta": Academician S.I. Vavilov; Professor D.G. Vilensky; Professor V.V. Vinogradov; Academician I.M. Vinogradov (Executive Editor): Rector of Moscow University, Professor I.S. Galkin; Associate Member of the Academy of Sciences Kh.S. Koshtoyants, Associate Member of the Academy of Sciences A.A. Maksimov, Associate Member of the Academy of Sciences I.I. Mints, Professor S.D. Muraveisky, Academician A.N. Nesmeyanov, Associate Member of the Academy of Sciences K.V. Ostrovityanov, Professor M.V. Sergievsky, Associate Member of the Academy of Sciences D.V. Skobeltsyn, Professor M.N. Tikhomirov, Assistant Professor G.K. Tsvetkov (Executive Secretary). 25 November 1946: the first issue of the Journal was signed for press.


Two series of the Journal were established (until 1956):
1. Social sciences
2. Physico-mathematical sciences


The Journal is published in the form of four series (until 1960):
1. Biology, soil science, geology, geography
2. Mathematics, mechanics, astronomy, physics, chemistry
3. Historico-philological series
4. Economics, philosophy, law


The Journal is published in the form of 10 series (until 1966): 1. Mathematics. Mechanics, 2 - Chemistry, 3 - Physics. Astronomy, 4 - Geology, 5 - Geography, 6 - Biology. Soil science, 7 - Economics, 8 - Philosophy, 9 - History, 10 - Philology. Journalism


The three separate series were established: Law, Philology, and Journalism.


The Journal is published in the form of 17 series: 1 - Mathematics. Mechanics, 2 - Chemistry, 3 - Physics. Astronomy, 4 - Geology, 5 - Geography, 6 - Economics, 7 - Philosophy, 8 - History, 9 - Philology, 10 - Journalism, 11 - Law, 12 - Theory of scientific communism (since Issue 2, 1989 - Social political studies and since Issue 1, 1995 - Political sciences), 13 - Oriental studies, 14 - Psychology, 15 - Computational mathematics and cybernetics, 16 - Biology, 17 - Soil science


The new series "Sociology and politology" was established.


The Journal is published in the form of 19 series (up to now): 1 - Mathematics. Mechanics, 2 - Chemistry, 3 - Physics. Astronomy, 4 - Geology, 5 - Geography, 6 - Economics, 7 - Philosophy, 8 - History 9 - Philology, 10 - Journalism, 11 - Law, 12 - Political sciences, 13 - Oriental studies, 14 - Psychology, 15 - Computational mathematics and cybernetics, 16 - Biology, 17 - Soil science, 18 - Sociology and politology, 19 - Linguistics and intercultural communication