№ 2/2009
E. N. Shirikov.
Irreducible modules over Jordanian plane over zero characteristic field
N. M. Pan'kina.
Fragments of Eulear's correspondence on vessel stability
T. A. Zhereb'eva.
One class of the sets of uniqueness for multiple Walsh series
K. I. Oblakov.
Impossibility of existence of different codirected locally-minimal trees on a plane
A. B. Kiselev, V. A. Yarunichev.
A study on the fragmentation of space debris particles at high-speed collision
A. V. Zvyagin, M. N. Smirnova.
Motion of a slender body near the free surface of a compressible fluid
V. L. Kovalev, M. Yu. Pogosbekyan.
Analysis of catalytic properties of siliconized heat-shielding coatings
A. A. Sinyavin.
Experimental studies of subsonic flow around a tandem of permeable and solid disks
Brief Communications
M. D. Surnachev.
Asymptotic behavior at infinity of solutions of the Emden–Fowler type equation
E. A. Ulanskii.
Linear independence of values of Lerch functions
Yu. V. Savateev.
Determination of derivability for the Lambek calculus with one division
S. L. Kuznetsov.
Lambek calculus with one division and one primitive type admitting empty antecedents
V. N. Sorokin.
Simultaneous approximations to root, logarithm, and arc sine
F. A. Ustinov.
A problem of the fastest detection of regime changing for the Levy processes
D. V. Truschin.
The depth of
I. F. Avdeev, L. G. Arkhipova.
A new estimate of the Montgomery constant in the theory of zeros distribution of the Riemannian zeta-function in the critical stripe
Kh. M. Saliba, V. N. Chubarikov.
A generalization of the Gauss sum