Linear independence of values of Lerch functions / E. A. Ulanskii. //Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 1. Matematika. Mekhanika. 2009. № 2. P. 56-59 Moscow Univ. Math. Bulletin. Vol. 64, N 2, 2009. P. 70-72].

The number of linearly independent numbers among 1,\Phi _1 \left( z,\frac{p}{q}\right),\ldots, \Phi _a \left( z,\frac{p}{q}\right) is estimated depending on a natural number a, where \Phi _s \left(z,\frac{p}{q}\right),\ s=1,2,\ldots, are Lerch functions.

Key words: Lerch functions, generalized polylogarithms, linear independence.

№ 2/2009