№ 6/2012
I. V. Polyakov.
Examples of divergent Fourier series for a wide class of rearranged Walsh-Paley systems
A. L. Artamonov.
Construction of generating polynomials for residue codes of degrees 5-8
A. R. Alimov.
Bounded strict solarity of strict suns in the space C(Q)
A. B. Kiselev.
Study of the process of non-stationary extension of thick-walled spherical and cylinder visco-plastic shells
D. V. Georgievskii.
General solutions to the elasticity theory systems in terms of stresses not equivalent to the classical one
Brief Communications
A. Zh. Ydyrys.
Double trigonometric series with lacunar sign-constant coefficients
A. K. Kravtseva.
Feynman integrals on functionals of the exponential type with polynomial degree
Yu. P. Razmyslov.
Laws of rolling simplexes (field equations according to Brahe)
D. V. Trushchin.
Complexity of realization of multi-valued logics functions by formulas of special type
I. V. Rudenko.
Two-phases queueing system with unreliable servers under high load
P. Z. Rakhmonov.
Short trigonometric sums with not integer degree of natural number
O. M. Kasim-Zade.
Depth of Boolean functions in realization by circuits over an arbitrary infinite basis
D. V. Bondarenko.
Free transverse oscillations of elastic beams with locally concentrated inhomogeneities
K. F. Komkov.
Determination of stress state with the least resistance to plastic deformation
I. O. Faskheev.
One-dimensional liquid flow through a porous frame under interactive loads of the Darcy type and front pressure
G. I. Petrov - scientist, science manager and pedagogue (to hundred anniversary)