№ 2/2012
P. Ya. Grabarnik, V. V. Shcherbakov.
A model of point configurations defined by semi-parametric interaction
O. V. Rubleva.
Additivity criterion of a finite metric space and minimal fillings
V. A. Skvortsov, F. . Tulone.
Henstock type integral on a compact null-dimension metric space and representation of a quasi-measure
M. A. Raskin.
A co-projection of computable measures matched with an order relation is not always computable
M. I. Kharitonov.
Two-sided estimates of essential height in the Shirshov height theorem
D. S. Romanov.
Synthesis method of easy-tested in some basis circuits admitting single fault detection tests of constant lenght
M. A. Spiryaev.
Some properties of Kagi and Renko moments for Brownian motion
N. V. Gaganova.
A crack on a border between linear elastic medium and physically nonlinear one with properties dependent on stress state
A. V. Derevyankin, A. I. Matasov.
A ``telescopic'' system in the calibration problem of strapdown inertial navigation systems
E. V. Timokhin.
Velocity and effective heat conductivity of suspension in thermocapillary drift
Brief Communications
D. M. Esaulov.
Robustness of GM-tests against outliers in autoregression
A. A. Goldaeva.
Uniform estimate of extremal index of stochastic recurrent sequences
N. V. Karapetyan.
Optimization of dividend strategy of an insurance company working after the ruin
V. G. Chirskii, E. S. Krupitsyn.
Estimates of polynomials of some g-adic numbers
A. V. Zvyagin, G. A. Romashov.
Surface waves under constraint deformation
V. V. Tikhomirov.
Smoothing digital filters with finite memory based on a polynomial approximation of data
V. P. Karlikov, A. V. Rozin, S. L. Tolokonnikov.
To the problem of cavitational interaction of counter flows
N. M. Pankina.
Euler composition on dynamics of a material point