/ О кафедре / Cостав кафедры / Могилевский Е.И.

Могилевский Евгений Ильич

Кандидат физико-математических наук, доцент;
доцент СУНЦ МГУ
(по совместительству)

Общая информацияМатериалы для студентовEnglish version

Graduated from Lomonosov Moscow state university in 2005 (specialization - Fluid mechanics). PhD in fluid mechanics (2009) for thesis Wavy regimes of liquid film flow under external influnces" (supervisor - prof. V. Shkadov)

Assistant professor from 2006 to 2015. Part-time work at Advanced Ecducation and Science center (Kolmogorov school)

A jury member of Lomonosov olympiad for mechanics and mathematical modeling, co-author of a problem book for "Introduction to specialization" corse for 1st year student

In 2012-2014 worked at the Univerisity of Leuven (Belgium) in a framework of the HELIoS project(http://fys.kuleuven.be/iks/ns/helios)

Principal investigator for grants:

"Flow and breakup of capillary microjet in electric field" (Russian foundation for Basic research, 2016-2017),

"Formation of wave structures on liquid free surface in non-steady capillary flows" (President of Russian Federation Council for Grants, 2017-2018)

Research area: thin film flows, hydrodynamic instability, electrocapillary flows, electric feild influence on films and jets.

Gives special cources: Capillary hydrodynamics and Advanced gas dynamics


All publications in the information system of Lomonosov Moscow state university.


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