Instructions for preparation of manuscripts in electronic form
An electronic file with the submitted manuscript should be of the following form.
%---------------------------- \def\udk{UDC} \ltitle{Title of the manuscript (in CAPITAL LETTERS)} {Author initials and name(s)} \oabstract{ Abstract of the manuscript } Text of the manuscript \end{document} %--------------------------
In order to compile the above LaTeX file, the following specially developed style "vestnik.sty" should be allocated in a current directory.
%------------------------------------------------------------------ % FILE vestnik.sty %------------------ %\textheight = 24.5cm %\textwidth 18.0cm \columnsep 10pt \columnseprule 0pt %=== Preamble: \ltitle{Title of the manuscript} {Author initials and name(s)} \def\ltitle#1#2{ %\pagebreak \begin{center}\bf #1 \end{center} \begin{center}\bf #2 \end{center} } %=== Abstract \def\oabstract#1{{\narrower{#1}}\bigskip\par} %=== Environment for theorems, lemmas, statements, corollaries, etc.: % \begin{theorem}{Theorem No.} ...\end{theorem} \newenvironment{theorem}[1]{\endgraf {\bf #1}\em}{ \endgraf } \def\proof{{\bf Proof. }} %=== References %= \begin{refdf}{the number of items} the list of references\end{refdf} \newbox\boxno% \newenvironment{refdf}[2]{\endgraf \par\bigskip\par {\footnotesize References} \setbox\boxno=\hbox{#1.~\null} \bigskip\par #2 }{ \endgraf } %= the title of a reference item: % \wref{ the order number} {author(s)} title \def\wref#1#2{\par\hangindent=\wd\boxno \noindent \hbox to \wd\boxno{#1.~}{\it #2}} %------------------------------------------------------------------
The classification number of UDC, the manuscript title, the author name(s) and initials should be given at the beginning of the manuscript as follows:
%------------------------- \def\udk{511.36} \ltitle{ARITHMETIC PROPERTIES OF SOME NUMBERS} {I.\,I.~Ivanov} %-------------------------
Formulas, theorems and other statements should be numbered explicitly; for example:
%------------------------------------------------ $$ f_N(z) = F(a_{N+1},\dots, a_{N+m},z),\quad u_N(z) = a_1\cdots a_N z^t f_N(z) \,. \eqno(1) $$ \begin{theorem}{Theorem 1.} Any polynomial of degree $n$ has no more than $n$ real roots. \end{theorem} \proof ... %------------------------------------------------
Commands for automatic numbering of formulas, chapters, sections, etc. should not be used. Sectioning of a manuscript without the use of standard commands can be done as follows:
%------------------------------------------------ \par {\bf Title of the section.} Text of the section %------------------------------------------------
The list of references should be of the form:
%------------------------------------------------ \begin{refdf}{5} \wref{1} {Koblits N.} $p$-adic numbers, $p$-adic analysis and zeta functions. M., 1982. \wref{2} {} Functional analysis / Edited by S.G.~Krein. M., 1972. \wref{3} {Sedletsky A.M.} Completeness of the system of exponents in the space of differentiable functions // Transactions of Moscow Institute of Energy. 1977. Issue 334. 98--103. \wref{4} {Chow Y.S., Teicher H.} Probability theory. Berlin; Heidelberg, 1988. \wref{5} {Heath-Brown~D.R.} The Pjatecki--Shapiro prime number theorem// J. Number Theory. 1983 {\bf 16}. 242--246. \wref{6} {Neretin Yu.A.} Differentiable measures on groups of flows // Proceedings of the Steklov Institute of Mathematics. 1997. {\bf 217}. 135--181. \end{refdf} %------------------------------------------------
Figures should be represented in EPS-formats. For example, it is permitted the usage of
a) EPS-files generated by Photo Shop with the options: ASCII-format without TIF-headings; |
b) vector EPS-files generated by XFIG under UNIX. |
EPS-files generated by CorelDraw are not permitted.
For raster black-and-white figures (i.e., consisting of separate points), the optimal resolution is 150-200 points per inch for the image of actual size.