№ 4/2014
E. O. Kantonistova.
Integer lattices of action variables for the "spherical pendulum" system
V. V. Fokicheva.
Description of peculiarities of the billiard system in domains bounded by confocal ellipses and hyperboles
A. S. Atkarskaya.
Isomorphisms of stable linear groups over associated rings containing ½
S. B. Tabaldyev.
Additivity of homological dimensions for tensor products of some Banach algebras
V. V. Tyurenkova, N. N. Smirnov.
Drop combustion of fluid fuel under non-equilibrium surface evaporation
E. S. Shalimova.
Steady and periodic regimes in the problem of motion of a heavy point on rotating sphere under presence of viscous friction
Brief Communications
A. Yu. Popov, A. P. Solodov.
Exact lower estimate for the upper limit of the ratio of the sum of sine series with monotone coefficients to its majorant
I. O. Arushanyan.
Numerical solution of boundary integral equations on curvilinear polygons
V. L. Kovalev, A. S. Vetchinkin, O. D. Loginova.
Simulation of oxygen diffusion in pores under catalytic reaction of coal oxidation
V. A. Golubev, V. N. Kuznetsov.
Temperature field in a finite cylinder under the periodically varying temperature on its surface
B. P. Lazarev.
Numerical simulation of wet soil freezing
Viktor Antonovich Sadovnichiy (to 75th anniversary)
Konstantin Alekseevich Rybnikov (to 100th anniversary)