№ 5/2013
T. F. Ismagilov.
Embedding theorems for the classes of functions with dominating mixed smoothness modulus
V. M. Fedorov.
Representation of topology with respect to the uniform and order convergence by an inductive limit
V. V. Galkin.
Simple iteractive algorithm for computation of Groebner bases based on signatures
A. A. Polyanskii.
Quadratic irrationality exponents of some numbers
S. S. Nikolaenko.
Number of connected components in the preimage of regular value of the momentum map for the geodesic flow of ellipsoid
E. I. Prokhorov.
Estimation of forecast quality of the two-phase scheme for solving the problem "structure-property"
I. S. Timergaliev.
Distribution of values of the Kloostermann sum analogs
P. B. Tarasov.
Some sufficient conditions for uniformness of systems of multi-valued logic functions
O. A. Zagryadskii, D. A. Fedoseev.
Explicit form of the Bertrand second type metric
V. V. Aleksandrov, N. A. Parusnikov.
Development of the navigation theory and A. Yu. Ishlinskii
V. A. Sadovnichii, V. V. Aleksandrov, T. B. Aleksandrova, A. A. Konik, V. B. Pakhomov, G. Yu. Sidorenko, E. Soto, K. V. Tikhonova, N. E. Shulenina.
Mathematical simulation of correction of an output signal from gravy-inertial mechanoreceptor of a vestibular system
Yu. V. Bolotin, A. A. Golovan.
Methods of inertial gravimetry
A. V. Vlakhova.
Nonholonomic movements of gyroscope and wheeled systems