Вестник Московского Университета. Математика, Механика - Содержание

Possibility of visual (with the help of look) control / A. G. Yakushev. //Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 1. Matematika. Mekhanika. 2012. № 4. P. 32-36 [Moscow Univ. Math. Bulletin. Vol. 67, N 4, 2012.].

The possibility of control of man-machine (biomechatronical) systems by gaze direction is considered. Basic properties of eye movements, essential for construction of control, are analyzed. To explore the possibilities of control by gaze, a game program is written. It is shown that the control by gaze in comparison with control by mouse requires less time and leads to fewer mistakes on decision of management problems such as specifying a point on a screen.

Key words: visual control, electrooculography, precision movements.

№ 4/2012