№ 3/2012
E. A. Grechnikov.
Two-sided estimates for number of fixed points of a discrete logarithm
A. V. Lebedev.
Maximal branching processes with few types of particles
A. N. Yakivchik.
Splitted weight and index of divisibility in topological products
T. V. Kuznetsova.
Limit theorems for maxima of certain dependent random sums
A. I. Aleksyuk, V. P. Shkadova, V. Ya. nd Shkadov.
Formation, evolution and decay of vortex street in the wake of a streamline body
V. G. Chikarenko.
Comparison of efficiency of rectangular and triangular underwater sails
A. B. Akhmedov, S. V. nd Sheshenin.
Construction of nonlinear equations of motion for orthotropic plates
Brief Communications
M. V. Boldin.
Robustness of sign tests in autoregression
E. A. Avksent'ev.
Metric properties of Poncelet polygonal curves
I. V. Beloshapka.
Uniform approximation by polynomials on compact sets of a special form
A. V. Petukhov.
Supports of (g,k)-moduli of finite type
P. A. Kashitsyn.
Power function of statistical tests dependent on elementary symmetric polynomials
T. I. Krasnova.
Inversion complexity of self-correcting surcuits for a certain sequence of Boolean functions
E. M. Epifanov.
Belyi pair corresponding to the self-dual single-faced genus 3 dessin d'enfant
L. V. Muravleva.
Flows of a Bingham-Il'yushin viscoplastic medium in a symmetric channel
A. V. Zvyagin, A. G. nd Gevorkyan.
Hydraulic fracture of two closely spaced beams
A. ,. Kalugin.
Surface waves in nematic liquid crystals