Вестник Московского Университета. Математика, Механика - Содержание

Bulgakov Problem of the Accumulation of Perturbations / Bugrov D.I. // Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 1. Matematika. Mekhanika. 2011. № 5. P. 39-43 [Moscow Univ. Mech. Bulletin. Vol. 66, N 5, 2011.].

The Bulgakov problem of maximizing the Euclidean norm of the solution to a linear time-invariant system at a fixed instant of time on the set of piecewise continuous scalar controls bounded in absolute value is considered. A control law as a function of time and of the state of the system is proposed. Some conditions ensuring that the proposed control is a solution to the problem under study are formulated.

Key words: Bulgakov problem, maximizing the Euclidean norm of the solution, linear time-invariant system, control synthesis, matrix exponent.