№ 4/2011
Kobelkov S.G.
Limit Theorem for the Moment of Ruin for Integrated Gaussian Stationary Process with Power Function as Profit
Kozko A.I., Pechentsov A.S.
Regularized Traces of Singular Differential Operators with Canonical Boundary Conditions
Gromov A.N.
Reinsurance Optimal Strategy of a Loss Excess
Sinelnikov S.S.
The Optimal Stopping Problem Concerned with Ultimate Maximum of a Levy Process
Levin V.A., Manuilovich I.S., Markov V.V.
Stabilization of Detonation Waves in a Supersonic Flow
Zvyagin A.V., Romashov G.A.
Wedging of an Elastic Medium with the Formation of Separation Zones
Vil'ke V.G., Shapovalov I.L.
Self-Oscillations of Two Bodies in the Case of Nonlinear Friction
Brief Communications
Izmailov M.M.
The Lattice of Extensions of the Modal Logic of Two Equivalence Relations Has the Cardinality of the Continuum
Romanov I.V.
Exact Control of Vibrations of a Rectangular Plate by Boundary Forces
Pavicevic Z.
Normality and Curvilinear Limits of Meromorphic Functions and their Applications
Kuznetsov S.D.
Lambek Calculus with a Unit and One Division
Bedzhanova S.R.
Easily Tested Circuits for Linear Functions
Izosimov A.M.
Smooth Invariants of Focus-Focus Singularities
Novikov D.V.
The Topology of Isoenergy Surfaces for the Sokolov Integrable case on the Lie Algebra so(3,1)
Nikabadze M.U.
Formulas for the General Complex Representation in the Plane Micropolar Theory of Elasticity
M.V. Keldysh - scientist, teacher, and science manager (to 100th anniversary)