Вестник Московского Университета. Математика, Механика - Содержание

A Multiparameter Family of Phase Portraits in the Dynamics of a Rigid Body Interacting with a Medium / Shamolin M.V. // Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta. Seriya 1. Matematika. Mekhanika. 2011. № 3. P. 24-30 [Moscow Univ. Mech. Bulletin. Vol. 66, N 3, 2011.].

The problem of plane-parallel motion of a uniform symmetric rigid body interacting with a medium only through a flat region of its outer surface is studied. The force field is constructed on the basis of information on the properties of jet flow under quasistationarity conditions. The motion of the medium is not studied. The problem of rigid body dynamics is considered for the case when the characteristic time of motion of the body relative to its center of mass is comparable with the characteristic time of motion of this mass center.

Key words: rigid body, resisting medium, system with variable dissipation, phase portrait.