№ 3/2010
Politov A.V.
Orthorecursive Expansions in Hilbert Spaces
Ivanov A.O. and Tuzhilin A.A. Generalized Maxwell Formula for the Length of a Minimal Tree With
a Given Topology
Red'kin N.P. Proof of Lower Estimates for the Complexity of Self-Correcting Circuits by the Method of Basis Changing
Mishchenko S.P. and Shishkina T.V. The Leibniz Algebras of Almost Polynomial Growth with the Identity x(y(zt)) ≡ 0
Natyaganov V.L. Lomonosov and riddles of nature electricity. Part 3. Electromagnetic nature of light precursors of earthquakes
Sheshenin S.V., Demidovich P.N., Chistyakov P.V., Bakhmet'ev S.G. Constitutive Relations for a Rubber Cord under Three-Dimensional Stress States
Brief Communications
Nalivaiko P.V. Cycle Contraction in Oriented Graphs
Grinevich P.P. An Iterative Solution Method for the Stokes Problem with Variable Viscosity
Trushin D.V.
General Differential Galois Theory
Gorbachev A.N.
Invariant Measures for Non-Contracting Multi-Valued Mappings of the Circle
Devet'yarov D.A. Estimation of the Computational Cost and Analysis
of Application of Fuzzy Descriptors in QSAR Problems
Khalyavin A.V.
Estimates of the Capacity of Orthogonal Arrays of Large Strength
Boyarinov R.N.
Sign Change of the Function S(t) on Short Intervals
Khodos O.A.
Numerical Simulation of Fluid Flow in a Fractured Porous Medium
Muravleva L.V., Muravleva E.A.
Numerical Simulation of Initiation and Cessation of Flow between Coaxial Cylinders in the Case of a Viscoplastic Bingham-Il'yushin Medium
Kharlamov A.A.
Simulation of Transverse Self-Oscillations for a Free Circular Cylinder Mounted with a Narrow Gap in a Plane Channel