№ 1/2009
A. A. Glibichuk, S. V. Konyagin.
Additive properties of products of subsets of the set
I. G. Erlikh.
Verification of the Bayesian parameters hypothesis in the moving average model
T. Yu. Semenova.
On a class of constitutive functionals for quasi-linear elliptic equations
D. Yu. Cherukhin.
Complexity of information networks of depth
I. P. Kramarev.
Probabilistic zeta functions of subgroup functors
T. A. Preobrazhenskaya.
Estimation of the number of consecutive quadratic residues
V. B. Sukhov.
Splitting schemes for primitive equations
A. V. Mikhailovich.
Classes of functions of ternary logic generated by monotone symmetric functions
Yu. F. Golubev.
The Okhotsimskii–Pontryagin method in control theory and analytical mechanics. Part 2. The Okhotsymskii–Pontryagin method in analytic mechanics.
V. E. Pavlovskii, V. V. Evgrafov, V. V. Pavlovskii, N. V. Petrovskaya.
Dynamics and schemes of control of mobile robots with two independent coaxial driving wheels
V. I. Kalenova, V. M. Morozov, P. M. Sobolevskii.
To the problem of studying of linear time-invariant systems
Brief Communications
M. A. Podkolzina.
The number of
D. V. Goryashin.
Summation of Euler function values over numbers of the type
D. V. Kop'ev.
Vulnerability of some cryptographic protocol
E. A. Muravleva.
The problem of viscoplastic medium flow stopping in a channel