Average-case complexity Straight-line programs with
conditional stop Асимптотические оценки

Functions on three variables

Effects concerned with conditional stop begin to appear when we are computing Boolean functions of three variables. It easy to see that the circuit complexity of each such function is no less than 4 and there exist functions (e.g., majority function) whose circuit complexity equals 4. Let us show that the upper bound for the average complexity of any three-place Boolean function equals 2.5. For any three-place Boolean function f we have the following equality

It is easy to see that the program P


p1:    z = f1(x2, x3



p2:    Stop(x1



p3:    z = f2(x2, x3)


computes f. By the definition of a Boolean function that is computed by a straight-line program with a conditional stop, for P(x) we have

On the three-tuples (1,0,0), (1,0,1), (1,1,0), and (1,1,1) the program P performs two instructions, on the other four tuples it performs three instructions. Therefore,

Now let us show that the average complexity of the majority function

is no less than 2.5. Let P be a program computing g with minimal average execution time. If the first stop instruction s1 is the third instruction in P, then it is obvious that T(P) is no less than 3. In any program the first instruction must be a functional one and so, we assume that s1 is the second instruction in P. To end the proof it is sufficient to show that in P the stop instruction terminates the computation on at most 4 tuples from the eight ones and, in this case, average complexity is no less than 2.5. It easy to see that the zero argument is either the output variable or an independent variable, i.e., the beginning of P is

p1:   z = f(x1, x2)

z = f(x1, x2)

p2:   Stop(z)


In the first case if TP(x) = 2, then P(x) = 1. Since the majority function equals 1 on four tuples from the eight ones, p2 terminates the computation on at most four tuples. In the second case, it is easy to see that p2 terminates the computation on exactly four tuples.

Average-case complexity Straight-line programs with
conditional stop Асимптотические оценки