Valery Vasilievich Kozlov,
Academician, Chairman of the Department
Research Interests:
dynamical systems of the classical mechanics,
integrability of differential equations,
regular and chaotic dynamics, stability theory
- Teaching:
special course on dynamical systems
Irina Victorovna Astashova,
Professor, Doctor of Sciences
Research Interests:
qualitative theory of differential equations,
asymptotic behavior of solutions
- Teaching:
general course on differential equations,
general course on partial differential equations;
special course on qualitative theory of differential equations
Contact e-mail:
Alexei Vladislavovich Borovskih,
Professor, Doctor of Sciences
Research Interests:
partial and ordinary differential equations, integrability theory,
Lie groups and algebras,
wave propagation
- Teaching:
general course on partial differential equations
Vladimir Vladislavovich Bykov,
Associate Professor, PhD, Academic Secretary of the Department
Research Interests:
topological properties of dynamical systems, qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations
- Teaching:
general course on differential equations
Gregory Alexandrovich Chechkin,
Professor, Doctor of Sciences
Research Interests:
partial differential equations, homogenization of solutions of differential equations,
spectral theory
- Teaching:
general course on partial differential equations;
special course on the homogenization theory
Contact e-mail:
Natalia Victorovna Denisova,
Associate Professor, PhD
Research Interests:
dynamical systems, integrability problems and related issues of the qualitative theory of differential equations
- Teaching:
general course on differential equations
Contact e-mail:
Irina Vladimirovna Filimonova,
Assistant Professor, PhD
Research Interests:
partial differential equations, asymptotic behavior of
solutions of parabolic and elliptic differential equations,
stabilization problem
- Teaching:
general course on partial differential equations
Contact e-mail:
Alexei Vladislavovich Filinovskii,
Professor, Doctor of Sciences
Research Interests:
qualitative theory of partial differential equations,
extremal problems,
stabilization of solutions of hyperbolic equations
- Teaching:
general course on partial differential equations
Contact e-mail:
Andrey Yuryevich Goritsky,
Associate Professor, PhD
Research Interests:
infinite-dimensional dynamical systems corresponding to equations of mathematical physics, attractors,
inertial and integral manifolds
- Teaching:
general course on equations of mathematical physics; special courses "First-Order Partial Differential Equations",
"Introduction to Infinite-Dimensional Dynamical Systems"
Contact e-mail:
Yulij Sergeyevich Ilyashenko,
Professor, Doctor of Sciences
Research Interests:
ordinary and partial differential equations, dynamical systems,
complex analysis
- Teaching:
general course on differential equations; special courses on analytic differential equations,
dynamical systems, and holomorphic dynamics; seminar "Dynamical Systems"
Tatiana Olegovna Kapustina,
Associate Professor, PhD
Research Interests:
partial differential equations, dinamical systems, qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations
- Teaching:
general course on differential equations
Andrej Alexandrovich Kon'kov,
Professor, Doctor of Sciences
Research Interests:
qualitative theory of partial differential equations,
singular solutions and the behavior of solutions of nonlinear
ordinary differential equations
- Teaching: general course on partial differential equations;
special course on elliptic equations
Contact e-mail:
Ivan Vladimirovich Matrosov,
Assistant Professor, PhD
Research Interests:
ordinary differential equations, discontinuous differential equations,
finite dimentional algebraic-differential equations, theoretical mechanics and control theory
- Teaching:
general course on differential equations
Vladimir Vladimirovich Palin,
Senior Lecturer, PhD
Research Interests:
first order partial differential equations, hyperbolic equations and systems, conservation laws
- Teaching:
general course on partial differential equations;
special cource on non-strict hyperbolic equations and systems
Contact e-mail:
Contact phone:
+7 (916) 844-65-97
Evgeniy Vladimirovich Radkevich,
Professor, Doctor of Sciences
Research Interests:
qualitative theory of evolution boundary value problems,
wave dynamics, stability of solutions of partial differential equations
- Teaching:
general course on partial differential equations;
special course on the evolution problems
Contact e-mail:
Olga Sergeevna Rozanova,
Professor, Doctor of Sciences
Research Interests:
nonlinear PDE of hyperbolic type, conservation and balance laws,
nonlinear Schrodinger equation,
applications to meteorology and other fields of physics,
finance mathematics
- Teaching:
general course on partial differential equations;
seminar on mathematical models in economics
Contact e-mail:
Nikolai Khristovich Rozov,
Professor, Doctor of Sciences
Research Interests:
differential equations and applications,
asymptotic methods, oscillations theory, control theory
- Teaching:
special course on differential equations;
seminar on the qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations
Igor Nicolaevich Sergeev,
Professor, Doctor of Sciences
Research Interests:
topological properties of dynamical systems, qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations
- Teaching:
general course on differential equations
Alexei Stanislavovich Shamaev,
Professor, Doctor of Sciences, Vice-Chairman of the Department
Research Interests:
partial differential equations, control theory, stochastic differential equations,
financial mathematics, asymptotic methods,
wave dynamics
- Teaching:
general course on partial differential equations;
special course on stochastic differential equations
Contact e-mail:
Tatiana Ardolionovna Shaposhnikova,
Professor, Doctor of Sciences
Research Interests:
partial differential equations, homogenization theory
- Teaching:
general course on partial differential equations;
special course on the homogenization theory
Contact e-mail:
Alexander Nikolaevich Vetokhin,
Professor, Doctor of Sciences
Research Interests:
topological properties of dynamical systems, qualitative theory of ordinary differential equations, stability theory
- Teaching:
general course on differential equations
Contact e-mail: